Sunday, June 25, 2023
Saturday, June 24, 2023
Drunk Driver?
Just had a run-in with this douche canoe at 52 Ave and Allison street in Arvada. He decided at the very last second that he did want to turn right when his lane ended, so he switched lanes even though we were close to hood-to-hood, proceeding with his lane change even after I laid on the horn. He then ran up on top the sidewalk on the opposite side of the intersection and then brake checked me as soon as he regained control. I told the highway patrol when I reported the incident that it could have been a drunk driver incident, as he seemed less than capable of maintaining control of his vehicle. This was four in the afternoon, however, so this guy was most likely a bad driver as opposed to drunk. But, people are dumb enough these days to drive drunk this early in the afternoon disregarding the steep penalties for drunk driving. He did manage to drive somewhat straight down the road after almost running me off it it, however, despite his constant flipping me off and yelling. He then turned north down Carr street. I went straight. Like I said, I did call the highway patrol and made an incident report. They probably won't do anything about it, but you can only hope. I didn't have my dashcam running at the time, but this incident was a reminder to me that you can't go anywhere now a' days without running into assholes like this guy.